Nigerians Can Now Travel To The UK Visa Free For 6 Months

Theresa May, the newly elected prime minister of the united Kingdom has just made it possible for all commonwealth countries to visit the United Kingdom without a visa. All commonwealth citizens can enjoy staying in the UK visa-free.

Finally Nigerian citizens can benefit from the Brexit. Theresa May, according to new regulations, the citizens of the commonwealth have a six-months visa-free corridor.

Nigeria is a participant of Commonwealth countries. It means that the United Kingdom provides visa-free travel for Nigerians to the lands of her Majesty for six months. The Crown desires to unite post-colonial citizens under its protection, but in this term, the Prime Minister desires do to that nicely.

The Commonwealth unity is consisted of 56 members, where eighteen members are from Africa: Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Rwanda, Nigeria, Namibia, Mozambique, Mauritius, Malawi, Lesotho, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Botswana. UK free-visa endorsement can be understood as a real present from Theresa May. Nevertheless, if one of the citizens of commonwealth desires to stay in the UK for more than six months, it`s still needed a visa. According to the Immigration Act 1971, all people of Commonwealth have rights of abode in the UK. The ones who can abode in the UK have a particular privilege, like rights to live, work and study in the UK, apply for social security benefits, etc. The UK becomes one of the countries with a visa-free entry for Nigerians. Nevertheless, what does it mean for the Citizens of the UK? People who voted for Brexit justified their choice by two parameters: no desire for foreign immigration and no wish to pay taxes to EU. Teresa May by announcing a visa-free entry for Commonwealth Citizens showed the Brexit voters that it was not a reason for saying No to Europe. The new visa endorsement provides new possibilities for Africa countries and especially Nigeria.

Koba - Panda Remix

check out the Panda Remix by Dreymilli X Spice named KOBA... Don't sleep on this !!!

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